Steven Universe – My Thoughts on the Show and Battle of Heart and Mind

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© Steven Universe

 *Warning this review contains spoilers*

The season 5 finale was the conclusion for the entire series as far as I’m concerned.

Despite the fact that both season 6 and a movie have been confirmed, the entire hour special felt like a disappointing conclusion to the complex themes Steven Universe has built up over the years. Continue reading “Steven Universe – My Thoughts on the Show and Battle of Heart and Mind”

BGN Film Review: “Hey Arnold! The Jungle Book Movie” [BlackGirlNerds]

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© Hey Arnold!

This article was originally published on Black Girl Nerds on February 13, 2018.  This movie review was a follow up to the article I wrote about the problematic representation of the Indigenous Green-Eyed People.  Sadly, the movie reaffirmed its shitty portrayal of the Green-Eyed People and overall perpetuated the White Saviors Complex.  My name and bio were once again published at the bottom so no one cannot argue with me about who wrote these articles.  Please read the movie review on Black Girl Nerds.

Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Book Movie – The Problem with the Green-Eyed People [BlackGirlNerds]

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© Hey Arnold!

This was originally published on Black Girl Nerds on August 21, 2017.  This article examined the problematic representation of the Indigenous Green-Eyed People and how the Journal two-part special perpetuated the White Saviors Complex.  This time I made sure my name and bio were published at the bottom of the article.  Please read the article on Black Girl Nerds.